
Spotlight on Homeschool

Spotlight on Homeschool

A homeschooling social media spotlight The division between home time and school time can get a bit blurry especially after the holidays. Whether or not your homeschooling timetable lines up with 'normal' school, the...

Fun with Glue

Fun with Glue

Slime I bet you all saw this one coming. With the rise in popularity of slime over the last few years, we’ve all seen a recipe or two for slime. Some of them are super complicated, but the easiest recipes only involve...

History of Education in Queensland

History of Education in Queensland

While I could never adequately summarise the history of Queensland’s schools in one post, I hope my overview encourages you to investigate further (this Education Queensland website is an excellent place to start)....

The 5 Secret Benefits of Procrastination

The 5 Secret Benefits of Procrastination

1. POWER THROUGH THE SMALL JOBS When you’re faced with a seriously daunting job, like planning a new unit of work, running records, assessments tasks and of course those dreaded report cards, other projects can seem...

Mum’s the Word

Mum’s the Word

I know in my family her aunties, friends and our neighbour adore Ava just as much as her 'mother' does. When she visits these beautiful women, Ava receives all the touches of a 'mother' with hugs and kisses, laughs,...

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