
Intergenerational Learning

Intergenerational Learning

They say it takes a village to raise a child. The charming, heart-warming ABC series Old People’s Home for Four Year Old’s proves this adage true.

Resilience in Children

Resilience in Children

School is a valuable environment for children to learn resilience. We’ve touched on resilience previously, as a key skill that underpins how we move through the world; how we make sense of our place in it and our ability to affect positive, momentous change. As educators, we can sensitively explore adversity and building resilience in the classroom. Life is lived forwards and protecting our mental health depends on coping with inevitable change, loss and adversity; in short, resilience.

Home Economics in Queensland Schools

Home Economics in Queensland Schools

Education Queensland’s decision to cut home economics from the high school curriculum fails in the government’s duty to halt rising obesity in teenagers and promote healthy lifestyles.

Who Knew UNO Could Be So Much Fun!

Who Knew UNO Could Be So Much Fun!

Hours of fun was had in my family with UNO Cards. As I researched this worldwide phenomena, who knew that UNO could be used in so many varied ways; a tattoo on someone’s body I think takes the cake; oh and speaking of cakes, check those out too!

Book List for Ten Year Olds

Book List for Ten Year Olds

There are millions of books on the market for our little readers with a new children’s author popping up daily so it seems. To encourage and promote readers as leaders is rather easy in the early years, however as our kids get older, it’s harder to continue that love of reading and literature. This is why a list of books like these for tweens is a great start to continue the enjoyment and wonderment of reading for our older students.



It’s the New Year for Aussie teachers where we are getting back into the swing of cutting, pasting and laminating again! I used to think laminating my sight word cards and A4 posters what a big job, until I look across the socials to see what teachers are doing now to engage, inspire and bring joy to their classroom and students.

Fidget Spinner Craze

Fidget Spinner Craze

The fidget spinner craze has died down which makes it an excellent time to take a step back and assess the place of fidget toys in your classroom. At the height of the craze, many teachers banned the spinners, and we can all admit they could be distracting, but for some students, there are genuine advantages to using a fidget in class.

Should We Have Ability-Based Maths Groups?

Should We Have Ability-Based Maths Groups?

Maths is a complex subject to teach. It is made even more difficult by the spread of ability levels in classrooms. Some studies suggest that in most primary classrooms there can be up to a seven grade spread in ability levels.

Introducing New Vocabulary

Introducing New Vocabulary

New term, new topics, new vocabulary! Vocabulary is an essential building block for all learning. However, it can be challenging to find ways to engage your students in learning new words.

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