What better way is there to increase reading comprehension than to incorporate it into a fun colouring exercise? This fun sheet is filled with simple sentences explaining the colour each animal should be. The colours are not the same as the real animals so children will have to read and pay attention to the instructions.

Once the animals are all correctly coloured in, there are all sorts of fun activities that they could be used for. For an art activity you could get the kids to cut out the animals and draw a landscape as a background for them. Each animal could have its own home, or they could create a scene where all of the animals are together.

Now that the animals have fancy new backgrounds the kids could create stories about how the animals became that colour. Were they born that way? Did they get painted? What do the other animals think of their colours? This could be a great lead in to talking about embracing and appreciating each other’s differences.

Hopefully with the huge range of fun, relevant, and engaging activities we create, your students will be laughing as they learn. Our very popular Quick Questions a Day fantastic way to provide the daily consolidation of concepts that children need.

At the Lizard Learning Club, we provide regular freebies and this is one of them! If you have missed this one, never fear we always showcase one new freebie a week. So you never miss out again, you can sign-up to the coolest club in town and receive the latest freebie each week straight into your email inbox.

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Cindy x


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