Fact families are an excellent way to get kids thinking about the way that numbers relate to each other. Addition and subtraction fact families are an extremely important step towards being able to factorise numbers using multiplication and division. Fact families are also a great way to help kids visualise the ways that smaller numbers go into bigger numbers.

To make things more fun and tactile for kids, you could expand on this exercise by using physical objects to represent the way the numbers move around. This would cement the idea of representing the same number with different equations. It would also provide a transition into multiplication factors.

If you want to get a bit creative with your kids you could get them to write stories about things robots might use numbers for. For example: countdowns to launch their rockets; or remembering how many arms and legs they have.

Numbers are very important to robots in the real world; numbers are how robots think and exchange information with each other. Students are sure to enjoy learning about how we create and use robots in real life.

Hopefully with the huge range of fun, relevant, and engaging activities we create, your students will be laughing as they learn. Our very popular 10 Quick Questions a Day is fantastic way to provide the daily consolidation of concepts that children need.

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Cindy x


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