Lessons From My Mum

cindy-mumMy beautiful mum passed away on Sunday 8th January ❤️ I hope sharing this very personal sadness may help you in some way when things aren’t exactly going to plan today or in the future for you.

Firstly, I must thank everyone who contacted us in the past 12 days. It has been out-of-control organising school licence requests, emails flowing in with questions and people just wanting to express their amazing stories on how this resource is helping them either as a teacher with their students or a parent with their children at home.

I pride myself on the customer service we provide here at LL. We are always here, listening and ready to help you in any way we can. This week has been a very difficult one with the team stepping into roles they don’t usually do. I personally apologise if you have contacted us and haven’t felt fulfilled in your request. Please contact us and we will fix any issues or answer any questions you may have from now on.

I wasn’t sure whether I should post this, it has taken a lot of thought whether this is right to do. However, this year at Lizard Learning we were already taking a whole new direction. We are becoming more visible with videos, lesson video content, Facebook LIVES, surveys to find out what you need and want and the introduction to our Lizard Learning Lounge Private Group where I am in there daily, helping you survive this crazy world of teaching!

We launched our New Year Celebration Offer for our 10 Quick Questions a Day program on New Year’s Day at 8am and mum fell ill at 1am, only 7 hours before we were about to release this brand new design and layout to you, the Lizard Learning community and nationwide across Australia. ????????

The reason I share this and listened to my heart over my head with sharing my family sadness, is to show you that life may not fall perfectly into place all of the time, and this is so particularly true as a teacher and in the classroom, however you need to carry on, show up and continue on anyway. There are so many lessons that I’ve learned these past 12 days, 8 of those next to my mother’s bedside (often laying on the floor in my makeshift bed made out of hospital blankets) right to the end.

As best I could I replied to your emails, Facebook comments and continued managing our beautiful team that stepped in and took control where needed as I nursed my mum. I never imagined I could run an educational company just by an iPhone! I know my mum would say nothing is ever a mistake, but rather a lesson so I’d like to honour this and I will share my learned lessons in coming blogs.

Over the coming weeks and months you will see many of my blog posts will focus on the ‘mindset’ of teaching, the spiritual wellbeing of a teacher and the inner ‘stuff’ that is often overshadowed by curriculum, testing, preparation, classroom set-up and the more ‘visible’ elements to teaching.

I believe we need a lot more focus on goal setting, intentions and positive thinking as teachers. If thoughts become things then it’s important we provide the tips and techniques to develop the good ones.

RIP Mum ~ thank you for all the lessons ❤️

Cindy  xo


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