Teacher Tip: Teaching Students How to Write the Number 5

Teaching is all about your presence, and how you can CONNECT with a child. This is one aspect of teaching I love because I see the person I need to be to reach each child in the classroom. Big disclaimer in case you are feeling like you are the only one who hasn’t been able to connect or reach every child in your classroom this year … sometimes no matter what you do it’s not going to magically happen with every child, every year in every classroom you teach in. As long as you are adapting, finding the child’s interests as best you can and approaching each learning opportunity in a positive manner than you are doing your best. We are all learning as we go along!

In the last two weeks, ‘learning’ has ramped up considerably since Ava is starting her transition days at prep. Ava has always been inquisitive, loves to attempt to read a book, jumped in early to use a pencil, learned to write (and correctly I might add) and most-of-the-time is happy to listen to my teacher tips, even though I will NEVER be as good as or know as much as Miss Heidi or Miss Sarah do at kindy!

I am all about regular and consistent learning. I have written the literacy and numeracy program – the 10 Quick Questions a Day program based entirely on the consistent, constant and daily approach to the delivery of content that is lacking in classrooms today with the overcrowded curriculum. Incidental learning would be the next approach I would highly recommend and advocate with my years of teaching children. It’s all about children learning in an environment where they actually think it’s a game, it’s fun and no formal teaching can be sniffed out.

In this video it shows you a perfect example of incidental educational. Ava’s aunty bought her this awesome clock (you can buy them at Officeworks individually or in class packs from Edsco) to practise writing and telling the time.


What other tips do you use when teaching writing numbers to your kids? Leave a comment or links to great resources so we can learn more.

Teachers Rock!
Cindy xo

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