The differences between to, two, and too can be difficult to master. Some adults still get them wrong at times. To and too can be especially tricky. It could be a fun class activity to try and come up with easy ways to remember which is which (Too has too many ‘o’s).

While homophones can be tricky to remember they can also be fun. There are riddles and limericks that use homophones to trip you up and make you laugh. Your students might even enjoy writing their own rhymes using homophones. There are many cute little homophone games online.

Exercises about homophones could also lead to a lesson about the differences between homonyms, homophones, homographs, and heteronyms. Words that sound or are spelled the same are some of the most complicated things to learn in the English language. Splitting kids into groups and getting them to come up with lists for each of these categories could be a fun way to make them work together to think about how things are spelled and realise how many of these words they already knew.

Learning about homonyms also dovetails nicely into learning about synonyms and antonyms. Younger kids may find this easier as it doesn’t require them to know how everything is spelled.

This is where the 10 Quick Questions a Day program is so beneficial to children learning these concepts. With well over 2000 questions a year for each year level, the concepts of the fundamentals necessary for children to write effectively and understand the written and oral language is consistently revised including definitions at most questions allowing children the time to consolidate and actually learn these concepts.

The strong system behind the program provides children the opportunity to see a question written in a certain way with exposure to this concept then children can use this knowledge to work on that question again in a few days time with the repeated processes the 10 Quick Questions a Day is so popular for teaching children.

Hopefully with the huge range of fun, relevant, and engaging activities we create, your students will be laughing as they learn. Our very popular 10 Quick Questions a Day is fantastic way to provide the daily consolidation of concepts that children need. You can review the program and use it before you ever buy! You can sign-up in the GREEN BOX on the website to instantly have access to the program to see why it’s used by teachers, parents and homeschoolers across Australia and globally.

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Cindy x


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